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A Night in the Town
Will Power
Pearl as a Detective
Oh, Whiskers!
How Moscha Came Back
Poor Jake's Demise
The Tramp Dentists
The Sea Urchin
The Gratitude of Wanda
The Trap
Leaves in the Storm
An Elephant on His Hands
The Cheese Special
The Mystery of Yellow Aster Mine
Some Runner
Hiawanda's Cross
Some Chaperone
The Paymaster's Son
Where the Heather Blooms
The Proof of the Man
In a Woman's Power
When Soul Meets Soul
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Justice of the Wild
A Welcome Intruder
The Hidden Bankroll
In the Land of the Cactus
The Old Doctor's Humanity
Who Is the Savage?
The Idol of Bonanza Camp
His Wife's Child
Jed's Trip to the Fair
The Angel of the Studio
Their Quiet Honeymoon
Love and a Savage
Through a Telescope
The Unknown
The Spy's Defeat